February 5, 2020

An extra parking spot or expanded parking can be very helpful. Building one seems easy. Some people simply bring in a load of gravel, spread it out and they instantly have a parking pad. However, over time that gravel will migrate into the earth, become rutted, travel outside of the perimeter and eventually need to be replaced with a fresh load of gravel. Fortunately, there is a great solution…
The parking pad can be both EASY TO INSTALL and PERMANENT by using Cell-Tek’s Load Support Grid (LSG). The system prevents the lateral displacement of infill materials which eliminates rutting and washboarding usually associated with gravel pavements. Even if you have swampy/soft/wet soil conditions, the LSG works great!
A non-woven geotextile fabric is placed below the grid to prevent the stones in the cells from migrating down into the earth.
Rebar J Hooks (18″ H) are installed every 4′ – 5′ in every direction to keep the grid pinned down.
The cells confine gravel to create a super strong foundation. Since infill materials are trapped in the cells they cannot shift, move, and eventually travel away.
Once cells are filled, gravel should be compacted in the cells. Then, overfill cell with 1″ – 2” of a loose gravel “wearing course”.
For a completely permeable parking pad, use ¾” clean angular stone.
Easy! Installation is the same except use Triax geogrid as the underlayment instead of a non-woven geotextile and fill cells with a 50/50 mix of clean angular stone and topsoil instead of stone only. Add sod or grass/seed to the top.
Click here to read and learn more.
These products are available through Cell-Tek Geosynthetics or your local dealer.
Please give us a ring 888-851-0051 or email info@celltekdirect.com.
We look forward to hearing from you!